Tissue may appear in the chest that may be fat or actual breast
tissue. In theory, all men have the potential to develop breast
tissue. Whether or not this happens depends on heredity, amounts of
various hormones, the presence of medications, percent of body fat
and many other factors.
In the early 1980’s, the use of suction removal of fat made more
extensive surgery on the breast possible with fewer scars in many
Depending on the extent of the problem, the operation can be done
using a local anesthetic with the patient partially asleep, or the
procedure can be done under general anesthesia (totally asleep) if
the patient desires, or the surgery is expected to be extensive.
This surgery is usually performed as out-patient surgery, which means
you will have surgery in the morning, and return home in the
afternoon. You will have a dressing in place, which should remain
clean, dry and on until you are seen in the office. No showers are
allowed until after the first dressing change. You should not exert
(sweat – lift – run- etc), and you should rest and relax at home.
You will be given prescriptions medications for swelling, discomfort
and to prevent infection, which you should take as directed. If you have
any problems with medications, call the
Usually incisions are made at the edge of the dark part of the nipple.
These incisions heal quite well in most cases, although in rare cases
the scars can be thick. There are treatments available if this occurs,
but again, this is rare.
Other incisions may be needed in the crease beneath the breast or
under the arm.
In some cases, the extra tissue can be removed by suction alone. This
might mean that the incisions near the nipple might not be needed.
In cases where there is more fat in the chest area than is desired the
fat can be removed using suction lipectomy through small incisions.
The Doctor will discuss this with you.
The muscles of the chest have not been injured to any significant
degree following this surgery, although it is not unusual to feel
tenderness in the area due to temporary bruising. This has not been a
permanent problem to date.
During surgery, the contour of the chest is tailored to match the rest
of the body. You should be aware that this tailoring is different for
every person, and the Doctor will discuss this with you.
As with any surgery problems and complications can occur but have been
rare or have not happened in our experience.
Problems such as bleeding, infection, irregularities, skin changes,
depressions, elevations, pain, bad scars and so forth can occur, but
have not been a problem in Dr. Capuano’s experience to any
significant degree.
Some patients have had collections of blood and/or fluid underneath
the skin, but these minor problems have not been permanent, and
usually last a short time, if they do occur. Very minor skin
infections in the area of the stiches have occurred, but this also
has not been a long-term problem.
Some tissue must be left so the skin doesn’t stick down to the muscle.
Some fat must also be left. Leaving just the right amount is our
goal but it might be thought to be too little or too much by the
You may be depressed following surgery, which is not unusual. There
is discomfort associated with surgery, and you will be given
prescriptions for medicines to take following surgery. We ask that
you not exercise vigorously following surgery, usually for a period of
two to three weeks. This inactivity can lead to depression in some
Further surgery could in be needed but has been of a minor nature.
Major problems have not been seen to this point. These would include
anesthesia problems, spreading wound infections, need for hospitalization
or blood transfusions.
In most cases, swelling can last for two to six weeks depending on
the individual. This will be discussed with you.
Please talk to Dr. Capuano regarding work, and return to same. If
your job entails heavy lifting, you may need to stay out of work
longer than if your job does not require lifting. Any estimates
regarding return to work are only estimates, and no guarantees can be
given about return to work and/or social activities.
If you have any questions regarding this information, please ask.
Thank you.